Preparing for Sunday Worship—April 10, 2016

You can view Sunday's worship guide here.

Our order of worship is designed to tell God's Story by moving us through the main acts of the biblical narrative: Creation, Fall, Redemption, and Renewal. The goal is for us to rehearse the drama of redemption and celebrate who Jesus is and what he’s done. Sunday worship is a powerful tool that God uses to form us as his people. We craft the worship guide with this in mind, but also with the intention that it be used throughout the week as an aid to help us walk authentically with God.

This Sunday we get to celebrate the receiving of new members into covenant and we will also return to our sermon series on Genesis as Pastor Jason preaches from chapter 19.

See you on Sunday!

Preparing for Sunday Worship—April 3, 2016

You can view Sunday's worship guide here.

Our order of worship is designed to tell God's Story by moving us through the main acts of the biblical narrative: Creation, Fall, Redemption, and Renewal. The goal is for us to rehearse the drama of redemption and celebrate who Jesus is and what he’s done. Sunday worship is a powerful tool that God uses to form us as his people. We craft the worship guide with this in mind, but also with the intention that it be used throughout the week as an aid to help us walk authentically with God.

Pastor Jason will follow up last week's Easter sermon by preaching "Living Into the Resurrection" from Hebrews 2.

Preparing for Sunday Worship—Easter Sunday

You can view Sunday's worship guide here.

Sunday worship is a powerful tool that God uses to form us as his people. We craft the worship guide with this in mind, but also with the intention that it be used throughout the week as an aid to help us walk authentically with God. 

The resurrection of Jesus is the most important event in human history, which means Easter is central to Christianity. Join us as we celebrate Jesus' victory over the grave and explore from 1 Corinthians 15 why the resurrection is compelling. 

Announcing City Church's Church Planting Residency

City Church Family:

When City Church launched six years ago we wanted to be a church planting church. Rooted in a conviction that church planting is the most effective strategy for bringing God's Kingdom to life in a local community, we sought to participate in church planting beyond our own efforts in Wilmington. From the beginning we have financially supported church plants (both nationally and internationally) as well as the Acts 29 Network and our presbytery's church planting fund. We also provided training and experience through an internship for an Acts 29 church planter in our first few years. 

Now that we are formally established as a congregation the temptation could be to breathe a sigh of relief and allow ourselves to grow inwardly focused. We don't want that to happen. We want to maintain the mindset of a church plant. We want to remember that we exist not simply for ourselves, but for those who are disconnected from Jesus and the life of God's family. And we want to continue to be a church planting church.

One way that we will move forward as a church planting church is through the launch of a church planting residency. The following excerpt comes from my church planting proposal written in 2009:

"God is always moving his people forward, taking the gospel into new places and neighborhoods. We want to participate in a movement of church planting. Our dream is to plant churches in and around Wilmington. With this in mind, recruiting and training future church planters will be a priority for us. We would love to have apprenticeships for church planters so that there are regularly planters in the 'chute' ready to be sent out."

The launch of our church planting residency realizes a vision that was birthed before City Church even began! Our residency is designed to provide practical ministry experience and a deeper awareness of personal calling. In addition to hands-on experience, residents will be immersed in City Church’s ministry philosophy and also exposed to a wide variety of resources in preparation for church planting. The residency emphasizes development in the areas of: (1) Heart/character, (2) Head/cognition, and (3) Hands/competency. 

I am excited to announce that the elders have approved our first church planting resident! Many of you have met Robbie Schmidtberger and his wife, Jennifer. Robbie preached at City Church in October and participated in our organization service last month. He has also served on the leadership team for our Kennett Square community group. Robbie came into our presbytery last year for a two year residency recommended by Mission to North America, our denomination's national mission agency. He will finish the first year of his residency at Stillwaters Presbyterian Church in April and join our staff on May 1st for a one year residency.

Robbie's primary role at City Church will be to help develop our School of Discipleship ministry. Outside of the School of Discipleship, his focus will be on discerning where God is leading him to plant a church and on growing and developing as a church planter. Robbie raises support for his residency and City Church will contribute support from our pastoral intern fund, funded by a local foundation committed to church planting. Adding this position does not impact our general budget. Robbie is an ordained minister so our elders will call him as an assistant pastor, though his title will be "Church Planting Resident." He will not serve on the elder team (assistant pastors are called by the elders and are not members of the elder team, while associate pastors are called by the congregation and are members of the elder team). We will benefit from Robbie's ministry among us, particularly in the School of Discipleship, but the focus is on investing in him and helping him prepare to plant a church. As a congregation we will have the joy of partnering with Robbie and Jennifer in their journey toward planting a new missional church family.

The Schmidtberger's will begin worshiping with us on May 1st. Be sure to welcome them into our family!

Grace & Peace,
Pastor Jason

Preparing for Sunday Worship—March 20, 2016

You can view Sunday's worship guide here.

Our order of worship is designed to tell God's Story by moving us through the main acts of the biblical narrative: Creation, Fall, Redemption, and Renewal. The goal is for us to rehearse the drama of redemption and celebrate who Jesus is and what he’s done. Sunday worship is a powerful tool that God uses to form us as his people. We craft the worship guide with this in mind, but also with the intention that it be used throughout the week as an aid to help us walk authentically with God. 

In our service this week, we will get to hear about how God is at work through the ministry of Urban Promise in our city. There will be a bake sale after the service of which proceeds will go toward enabling children go on spring break trips with Urban Promise.

Pastor Jason will also continue our series on Genesis. He will preach from Genesis 18:1-15, "Awkward Faith." We look forward to worshiping with you on Sunday!

Preparing for Sunday Worship—March 13, 2016

You can view Sunday's worship guide here.

Our order of worship is designed to tell God's Story by moving us through the main acts of the biblical narrative: Creation, Fall, Redemption, and Renewal. The goal is for us to rehearse the drama of redemption and celebrate who Jesus is and what he’s done. Sunday worship is a powerful tool that God uses to form us as his people. We craft the worship guide with this in mind, but also with the intention that it be used throughout the week as an aid to help us walk authentically with God. 

This Sunday we will have the joy of witnessing the baptism of Micah Carney, daughter of Eric and Shaina. We will also have the African choir from Urban Promise with us to minister through song. Pastor Jason will resume our sermon series on Genesis by preaching, "Priestly Missionaries," from Genesis 18.

Remember to set your clocks forward Saturday night. We look forward to seeing you on Sunday! 

Preparing for Sunday Worship—March 6, 2016

You can view Sunday's worship guide here.

Our order of worship is designed to tell God's Story by moving us through the main acts of the biblical narrative: Creation, Fall, Redemption, and Renewal. The goal is for us to rehearse the drama of redemption and celebrate who Jesus is and what he’s done. Sunday worship is a powerful tool that God uses to form us as his people. We craft the worship guide with this in mind, but also with the intention that it be used throughout the week as an aid to help us walk authentically with God. 

We will take a break from our Genesis series as Pastor Jason preaches "The Journey Is Only Beginning" as we look to the future as a newly formally organized church.

Preparing for Sunday Worship—February 28, 2016

You can view Sunday's worship guide.

Our order of worship is designed to tell God's Story by moving us through the main acts of the biblical narrative: Creation, Fall, Redemption, and Renewal. The goal is for us to rehearse the drama of redemption and celebrate who Jesus is and what he’s done. Sunday worship is a powerful tool that God uses to form us as his people. We craft the worship guide with this in mind, but also with the intention that it be used throughout the week as an aid to help us walk authentically with God. 

Pastoral Assistant, Wayne Pansa, will be preaching this Sunday on Part 2 of "The Divine Actor" from Genesis 17. Below is the list of songs that we'll be singing:

Your Love Never Fails
Before There Was Time
Forever Reign
Come Ye Sinners
Amazing Grace (My Chains are Gone)
How He Loves

And remember that Sunday evening we will gather again at 6 p.m. for our organization service!

Preparing for Sunday Worship—February 21, 2016

Sunday's worship guide can be found here.

Our order of worship is designed to tell God's Story by moving us through the main acts of the biblical narrative: Creation, Fall, Redemption, and Renewal. The goal is for us to rehearse the drama of redemption and celebrate who Jesus is and what he’s done. Sunday worship is a powerful tool that God uses to form us as his people. We craft the worship guide with this in mind, but also with the intention that it be used throughout the week as an aid to help us walk authentically with God. 

Pastor Jason will continue our Genesis sermon series by preaching on "The Divine Actor" from Genesis 17. We'll sing the following songs together:


Rising Sun

10,000 Reasons (Bless the Lord)

All Things New

Everlasting God


Preparing for Sunday Worship—February 14, 2016

Worship Guide Graphic.jpg

Sunday's worship guide can be found here.

Our order of worship is designed to tell God's Story by moving us through the main acts of the biblical narrative: Creation, Fall, Redemption, and Renewal. The goal is for us to rehearse the drama of redemption and celebrate who Jesus is and what he’s done. Sunday worship is a powerful tool that God uses to form us as his people. We craft the worship guide with this in mind, but also with the intention that it be used throughout the week as an aid to help us walk authentically with God. 

With Pastor Jason out of town this week, our mercy ministry coordinator, Pastor Doug Perkins, will be preaching from Genesis 16. 

Preparing for Sunday Worship—February 7, 2016

Sunday's worship guide can be found here

Our order of worship is designed to tell God's Story by moving us through the main acts of the biblical narrative: Creation, Fall, Redemption, and Renewal. The goal is for us to rehearse the drama of redemption and celebrate who Jesus is and what he’s done. Sunday worship is a powerful tool that God uses to form us as his people. We craft the worship guide with this in mind, but also with the intention that it be used throughout the week as an aid to help us walk authentically with God. 

Pastor Jason will continue our Genesis sermon series this Sunday by preaching from Genesis 15, "Bold Promises." Below are the songs that we will sing:


Our God Saves

All That I Am

Lord, I Need You

Be Thou My Vision

Preparing for Sunday Worship—January 31, 2016

Sunday's worship guide can be found here.

Our order of worship is designed to tell God's Story by moving us through the main acts of the biblical narrative: Creation, Fall, Redemption, and Renewal. The goal is for us to rehearse the drama of redemption and celebrate who Jesus is and what he’s done. Sunday worship is a powerful tool that God uses to form us as his people. We craft the worship guide with this in mind, but also with the intention that it be used throughout the week as an aid to help us walk authentically with God. 

This Sunday, Ian, Laura, and Iona Williams will be featured in the "God In Our Stories" moment in the service. Pastor Jason will also continue our sermon series on Genesis by preaching from Genesis 14, "The Mysterious Journey of Faith." Below are the songs that we will sing:

You Alone Can Rescue

Those Who Trust



Your Grace Is Enough

Jude Doxology

Preparing for Sunday Worship—January 17, 2016

Sunday's worship guide can be found here.

Our order of worship is designed to tell God's Story by moving us through the main acts of the biblical narrative: Creation, Fall, Redemption, and Renewal. The goal is for us to rehearse the drama of redemption and celebrate who Jesus is and what he’s done. Sunday worship is a powerful tool that God uses to form us as his people. We craft the worship guide with this in mind, but also with the intention that it be used throughout the week as an aid to help us walk authentically with God. 

This Sunday we will hear from covenant member Greg Austin about his time at last month's Urbana conference. We will also return to the Book of Genesis as Pastor Jason picks up our sermon series, "The Story of God, People, and Place." Below are the songs that we will sing:

Holy Spirit

Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah

I Surrender All

In Christ Alone

Be Thou My Vision

On Jordan's Stormy Banks I Stand

Organization Service

For six years, City Church has been a church plant seeking to bless the City of Wilmington and our surrounding region. We have been working toward “organization,” the final step in establishing City Church as a self-governing church. Our organization service on Sunday, February 28 at 6:00 p.m. will be a special celebration as Jason Sica is formally installed as pastor and Wayne Pansa is installed as elder. Pastor Doug Logan from Epiphany Fellowship of Camden will be our guest speaker.

There will be a reception following the service downstairs in the lower level of our worship facility. We would love for you to join us for the celebration!

Preparing for Sunday Worship—January 10, 2016

Tomorrow's worship guide can be found here.

Our order of worship is designed to tell God's Story by moving us through the main acts of the biblical narrative: Creation, Fall, Redemption, and Renewal. The goal is for us to rehearse the drama of redemption and celebrate who Jesus is and what he’s done. Sunday worship is a powerful tool that God uses to form us as his people. We craft the worship guide with this in mind, but also with the intention that it be used throughout the week as an aid to help us walk authentically with God. 

Pastor Jason will preach from Jeremiah 29:1-14. His sermon, "FORWILM," will introduce our vision campaign for 2016. Below are the songs that we will sing:

Holy Spirit

God of This City

How Great Is Our God

Christ Is Risen

Build Your Kingdom Here

Isaiah 60

Church Family Meeting This Sunday

This coming Sunday, January 10, is City Church's annual church family meeting (congregational meeting). Our most exciting and important meeting to date, covenant members will have the opportunity to vote for Wayne Pansa for elder, Jason Sica for pastor, and sign a petition requesting permission from our Presbytery to formally organize as a church. Our vision for 2016 will be presented as well as an overview of the 2016 budget. The meeting will be held immediately after the worship service in the lower level of the PAC (the building where we gather for Sunday worship) with light lunch provided. It will last no longer than an hour. Please plan to attend this momentous event; non-members are welcome to attend, but unable to vote. 

Director of Congregational Life

I am pleased to announce that the City Church elder team has hired Margie Comanda to serve as Director of Congregational Life. Margie and her husband, Joel, are covenant members at City Church and serve as leaders in the Kennett Square community group. They have five children: Eliot, Simon, Jesse, Nora, and Bianca.

In this part-time role, Margie will support the elder team by helping to promote City Church’s vision through effective communication and strategic implementation of ministry initiatives. She will also serve as a relationship builder who helps people, especially those newer to our congregation, find their place in God's Story at City Church. 

I am personally very excited about the addition of Margie to the City Church staff. This role will help us strengthen vital areas of our ministry and congregational life as we move forward. Margie has naturally started to do many of the things associated with this role already, making her an ideal fit for the position.

Grace and Peace,
Pastor Jason

Preparing for Sunday Worship—January 3, 2016

Here is the worship guide for the first Sunday of 2016.

Our order of worship is designed to tell God's Story by moving us through the main acts of the biblical narrative: Creation, Fall, Redemption, and Renewal. The goal is for us to rehearse the drama of redemption and celebrate who Jesus is and what he’s done. Sunday worship is a powerful tool that God uses to form us as his people. We craft the worship guide with this in mind, but also with the intention that it be used throughout the week as an aid to help us walk authentically with God. 

Pastoral Assistant Wayne Pansa will help focus us as a church in this new year by preaching "A Renewed Passion," from Revelation 3:15-22.

12/24, Doug Perkins Reflection

On weekdays during Advent we are posting the daily reflection from our Abundance Advent booklet here on our blog. You can download the booklet in its entirety here.

Batter my heart, three-personed God; for You
As yet but knock, breathe, shine, and seek to mend;

That I may rise & stand, o’erthrow me, and bend
Your force, to break, blow, burn, and make me new.
But seems like I’m betrothed to Your enemy;
Divorce me, untie or break that knot again.
Take me to You, imprison me, for I,
Except You enthrall me, never shall be free,
Nor ever chaste, except You ravish me”
— John Donne, Holy Sonnets

Advent should be about abundant awe. After all, doesn’t my heart see the Good News of Jesus Christ as abundantly awesome? Ah… that may be (depending on the moment you ask me), but do I see HIM as abundantly awesome throughout my busy days? Do I see HIM as Perfect Love?

Recently, I have been reviewing Jonathan Edwards’ insights on “True Virtue” [See his Nature of True Virtue wherein the reader is asked, “Do you see God as beautiful, or as merely useful?”]. This insight is toppling my “virtuous” idols of the heart: for example, love of family. If my highest goal in life on any given day becomes the good of my family, then, Edwards says, I will tend to care LESS for God… not to mention OTHER families! Likewise, if my highest goal in a given conversation is the good of our nation, or tribe, or race, then at that moment I will tend to be nationalistic or racist. This is why Edwards concludes the LORD—not merely His Good News (and certainly not family or race)—should be seen by me as my Supreme Affection. HE should be Ultimate, receiving my abundant allegiance. Could I, during my busy days of Advent, “seek HIM first”—His righteousness, His Kingdom? That’s what Jesus has been reminding me this autumn (Matthew 6:33).

Jesus also reminds me that true virtue (seeing Him as supremely beautiful) will indeed result in behavioral virtue—though it’ll be imperfect in this broken life. Under radical grace, not under bridle (like a horse), I’ll want to please Him because of the abundant beauty of His holiness. My favorite “Christmas” film as a youth became The Black Stallion (having watched it several Christmas breaks in a row). The boy, Alec Ramsey, saw the stallion submit in obedience not because of a bridle—but because of grace extended him. So, like a stallion under grace—convinced that I’m loved and abundantly forgiven in the Gospel by a holy LORD—there will be  an abundant “spillage” effect: TRUE (not phony) virtue. Phony virtue flows from the bit and bridle. TRUE virtue flows from the abundantly sufficient Savior Who not only captivates me—but Whose beauty of holiness will also capture my affection and my allegiance.

As Edwards might’ve said, “Only under grace could we truly regret our (daily) sin—not because we’re afraid to be punished, but because we missed the Life of the Party and the Source of All Joy.” “There is no fear in love—but perfect love casts out fear. For fear has to do with punishment, and whoever fears has not been perfected in love” (1 John 4:18).

May I see HIM as Perfect Love throughout all these busy days of Advent!