12/8, Bethany Gregor Reflection

On weekdays during Advent we are posting the daily reflection from our Abundance Advent booklet here on our blog. You can download the booklet in its entirety here

Dear God, when I think of abundance, I think of a whole lot of something. I know what it’s like to have abundance… but sometimes hard to believe that’s a good thing. I have an abundance of ideas, but they aren’t all good. I have an abundance of relationships that are at various times deep blessings or mountains of stress and regret. I have an abundance of things to do, some I enjoy and some I dread. By the world’s standards I have an abundance of resources and yet I also have an abundance of messages bombarding me saying that I lack a lot. I have an abundance of choices and an abundance of difficulty knowing what to choose. At times I have an abundance of anxiety and fear and others I recognize an abundance of selfishness or self-righteousness has overtaken me. 

The blessing though is that even in all my abundance… Everything I have is but a drop in the ocean compared to You. You are what makes life not just a lot of something, but at the same time real and worthwhile, you give value and purpose and more than we could ask or imagine. You are the one who has opened my eyes to see that an abundant life is indeed one that is full, of both good and bad, but that because there is both the good becomes sweeter and more amazing. 

God, thank you for all of the people who welcome me into their homes and trust me with the details of their lives. Thank you for all of the children I have gotten to laugh with and see grow and pray and reflect you a little more each day. Thank you for the times I have read your word and been overwhelmed by your grace and understanding. Thank you for like-minded brothers and sisters who encourage me, pray for me, worship with me, and inspire me. Thank you for the times you have allowed me to experience your heart and feel your compassion, your anger, your pain, and your joy that flow out of your great love for your children. Thank you for giving my life true abundance and helping me to learn more each day what that means. In Jesus’ name, Amen.