Week 2 Recap: Good News People

[Pastor Robbie Schmidtberger, our Church Planting Resident, is teaching our current School of Discipleship course, “Good News People: Speaking About Jesus While Becoming Like Him.” This class explores what it looks like to speak about Jesus naturally, while admitting that the most compelling aspect of Christian evangelism is when Jesus’ followers are becoming more and more like him.]

When it comes to work, Americans are unique. In France, companies pay higher taxes if their employees work more than 35 hours. In Spain, you can go home and take a siesta. Even though companies like Google are rolling out sleep pods, Americans have very long work weeks. Junior associates in a law firm, as they are just starting out, work 80 hours. Pastors typically work 55-60 hours too.

Why do we do this? According to the American story, work provides financial security and independence. But there’s a deeper reason. We’re made for glory.

"What is man that you are mindful of him?
The Son of man that you should care for him.
You made him a little lower than the heavenly beings,
yet you crowned him with glory and honor.”

                                                                        — Psalm 8

Our overworking reveals that we want to be somebody. We long for a purpose. And when we die, we want to leave something behind… a legacy.

God has a particular role for each one of us within his story. Jesus sent his followers into the world to make disciples (John 17:18,21; Matthew 28:18-20). Christians are his witnesses to the ends of the world (Acts 1:8). Jesus currently sits upon his throne, where he is making all things new. This is great news! And Christians are entrusted with that news. Christians are to announce this news in both their words and deeds. In the last book of the Bible, we see a picture of King Jesus riding on a horse, behind him all his followers who’ve ever lived.

Christians get to storm the gates of hell alongside their king.

I love the HISHE (How it Should Have Ended) videos. Their “How The Force Awakens should have ended” video is amazing. Poe Domeron asks: “Can you imagine what would’ve happened if Kylo Ren just found Luke?” And we proceed to see Luke hilariously beating Kylo up, after all Luke is a Jedi master.

That would’ve been an awful movie. Poe, Rey, Han and Chewbacca would not have had any role, purpose or significance. God’s story is actually want really brings us our purpose and significance in life.

So, what is your role in God’s story?

You get to storm the gates of hell alongside your king by sharing the Christian faith with others and becoming more and more like Jesus.

Pastor Robbie