Church Planting Opportunity

Pastor Robbie Schmidtberger is our Church Planting Resident. He and his wife, Jennifer, updated our church family last Sunday on a potential church planting opportunity. Below is a summary of what they shared so that you know how best to support them as they discern God's leading. 

Jennifer and I have uniquely felt God’s call to church plant for the past few years. Both of us grew up in Christian homes and established congregations. In our circles, church planting was frowned upon. Church plants were the products of church splits or people moving from one church to another. But that’s not been our experience. During college I saw how church plants were catalysts for bringing people to faith or renewing people’s old faith. At Grace and Peace, our church in Pittsburgh, we saw how a tiny church plant reached people that were forgotten and overlooked by other, more established churches. We got a taste of this, and it was what we are giving our lives to. We long to see people come to Jesus for the first time; we long to see stale faith invigorated; we long for those who have walked away from Jesus to return to him. We’ve seen all this happen in church plants and we’ve seen the Lord do this powerfully in our own lives. 

God's calling to church plant is what led us to move here just over a year ago. As we’ve settled into Chester County and Kennett Square, people have shared their thoughts about where we would best “fit.” They’ve said things like: “Oh, you are definitely city folk;” “you minister best to nonChristians and those who follow an unconventional lifestyle; “you should do campus ministry.” 

While we looked all over the place, we overlooked our ‘backyard,’ until March when a unique opportunity came our way. The leadership of Reformed Presbyterian Church in West Chester, recognized that a change is needed. So they began exploring options, including replanting the church. At the moment, a sister church—Iron Works Church—got involved in the discussion and approached us about church planting in West Chester. (Essentially, Iron Works would adopt RPC, provide a pastoral position for RPC’s pastor, and replant the church.) 

As we’ve explored West Chester, we're intrigued by the possibility of serving the university. West Chester University is the 4th largest university in the Philadelphia region, yet it has had only one ministry on campus for 40 years. West Chester is also the county seat, with a strong economic center. You’re able to live, work and play there. Additionally, and most importantly, there is a need for a Jesus-centered and missionally innovative church in West Chester. The discussion continues, and we see God working in RPC, in Iron Works, on the campus, and in our own lives too in order to move this forward. 

This is a big opportunity with a lot of moving pieces that requires buy-in from 3 churches: RPC, Iron Works, and City Church. 

First, if you grew up in West Chester, have friends or family there, or went to school there, then we need your help in getting to know the town.

Secondly, we cannot do this alone. We need your prayers, as only God is the one who can move this forward. So please pray for this. I send out regular prayer updates, at least once-a-month. You can sign up for those emails here

We like West Chester and Iron Works. Planting a church in West Chester is the desire on our hearts. This, however, is not a sure thing, and there is a lot to discern. So please pray that the Lord will reveal his will to us and all who are involved. I truly cannot think of a heavier question for RPC to answer. Pray that they will follow Jesus however he leads them.