Coronavirus Response


City Church Family: 

Given the growing concern over the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19), I want to communicate our leadership's response plan and offer a pastoral perspective. 

Response Plan
After talking with key leaders the past few days and meeting with the elder team this morning, we have made the decision to cancel Sunday worship for the next two weeks (3/15 & 3/22). The State of Emergency that was declared yesterday in Delaware advises the cancellation of non-essential public gatherings of 100 people or more. While we certainly believe the Sunday worship gathering is essential in the life of the church, we recognize there may be extraordinary occasions when it is in the best interest of the public good to not gather as we typically do. Our view is that this is one of those occasions. 

While COVID-19 is not a serious risk to most of the population, it is a deadly disease for the elderly and those with pre-existing health conditions. The virus is extremely infectious and has spread so quickly in some places that it has overwhelmed medical capacity. We want to take precautions as a church to help prevent the possible spread of coronavirus in our communities. Cancelling Sunday worship for the next two weeks is the most significant way we can do that. 

We talk often at City Church about embodying God’s story in the everyday stuff of life. The everyday stuff of life in this season has brought us the threat of virus. While we will not gather for worship as we normally do the next two Sundays, we will still embody God’s story together. There are countless examples throughout history of God’s people adapting to undesirable circumstances in order to still be the Church. Even today in other parts of the world we have brothers and sisters in Christ who cannot assemble as we do for fear of persecution. Not gathering as we are accustomed to does not mean we cease to be the Church. Below are three ways we encourage you to embody God’s story together over the next couple of weeks:

  1. Make worship a priority these next two Sundays by gathering in smaller groups: as a household, community group, or with neighbors. Use this time to pray, reflect on Scripture, and sing together. A worship guide and message from Pastor Jason will be made available for each Sunday.

  2. Continue to meet as community groups over the next two weeks. Myself and Margie Comanda will communicate with group leaders later today.

  3. Remember those who are most vulnerable (the elderly and those with pre-existing health conditions) and care for them in appropriate ways.

Pastoral Perspective
I want to be clear about the motivation behind our decision. We have not made this decision out of fear; we have made it out of love. Self-protection is never to be the priority for the Christian. The gospel rearranges our priorities. The apostle Paul makes this clear in Philippians 2:3-4: “Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.” The gospel calls us to prioritize others. We find the vision and empowerment to do this as we look to Jesus, the One who prioritized us as he entered a world of sickness and sin. His sacrifice on the cross makes possible a salvation that anchors us in the hope of resurrection, freeing us from panic or fear. Christians have historically been known as people of faithful presence during times of crisis. I pray that God in his sovereignty will enable us to confidently share the hope of the gospel and to compassionately and courageously love our neighbors in the days ahead. 

Finally, if you have spiritual or physical needs during this time, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us. Our assistant pastor, Israel Ruiz, is coordinating these efforts on behalf of our pastoral and mercy ministry teams. You can email him here. Also, Lauren Bailes and Amy Norton, members of our church family, created this resource that may benefit food insecure families as schools close.

We will monitor the situation closely and send an update next Friday. Until then, pray for one another, for your neighbors, and for the glory of God to shine in the midst of uncertain times.

Grace and Peace,
Pastor Jason